


首先,如果被抢了Credit,那么大家一定要保持冷静,收集好证据,证据最好是能直接证明你对项目贡献的,比如你的code repo,project docs,往来邮件等,收集完证据之后,可以直接找抢Credit的人聊,表达你对于这件事的不满意,询问这件事发生的原因,以下可以作为模版供大家修改:

Hi, I want to discuss our recent project. I’ve noticed that there might be a misunderstanding about my role and contributions, and I’d like to clarify that with you.

I’ve noticed that my contributions may not have been accurately represented, and I’d appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you and ensure we have a clear understanding.

I feel it’s important for us to have an open conversation. I’ve observed that my contributions might not have been fully recognized / I’ve noticed a discrepancy in how our contributions are being acknowledged, and I’d like to address that directly with you.



Hi I wanted to discuss a concern I have regarding the recent project. I’ve noticed a discrepancy in how our contributions are being acknowledged, and I feel my role in the project may not be accurately represented. I believe open communication is crucial, and I wanted to bring to your attention to seek guidance on how to address this matter. I value your insight and appreciate your assistance in resolving this.

在和manager的沟通中,一定要避免情绪化的用词,一定要保持专业,我们的目的是寻求manager的帮助,主要是要表达自己的concerns,“it’s causing a bit bit of concern for me”, 并且希望能得到manager的帮忙, “I was hoping to get your guidance on how to navigate through it.”


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