美国职场之Small Talk怎么聊(上篇)
之前看到过不少人聊Small Talk怎么聊这个问题,作为一个I人,职场里的Small Talk其实并不是寿司喜欢/擅长的,但在全是白人的组里,又不得不经常Small Talk,这篇就想来介绍一下作为I人是如何Small Talk的。
在职场久了,发现大家Small Talk常见话题其实并不多,主要是围绕天气,家人,孩子,旅行。
“It’s such a beautiful day today, isn’t it?”
“The weather has been crazy lately. Did you see the forecast for tomorrow?”
“I can’t believe how cold it’s gotten all of a sudden. I had to layer up this morning!”
“Wow, it’s so chilly today! Perfect weather for hot coffee.”
“The cold really hit fast this year!”
“I’m not ready for this cold weather yet! How about you?”
周末计划或过去的周末(Weekend Plans or Past Weekend)
“Do you have any plans for the weekend?”
“How was your weekend?”
“I’m planning to relax this weekend, maybe catch up on some shows.”
“I’m heading to the beach with friends. It should be fun!”
“I’ll be doing some hiking. I’ve been wanting to check out that new trail.”
“There’s a new restaurant I’ve been dying to try. We’re going there for brunch. What about you? Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?”
“I had such a relaxing weekend. I went hiking at the state park. The weather was perfect!”
“I spent the weekend working on some home improvement projects—it’s coming along nicely.”
“We went to the farmer’s market and found some amazing fresh produce.”
“I went to see the new Marvel movie. Have you watched it yet?”