美国职场之如何快速融入别人的Small Talk

上两期我们分享了关于Small Talk常用的话题以及英文模版,这一期想来分享一下如何快速加入同事们的Small Talk。

“That sounds interesting!”
“Really? Tell me more about it.”
“I’d love to hear more if you don’t mind sharing.”
“Oh, I also love hiking! Have you tried any trails in the national park?”
“I’m curious, how did that turn out?”
“That movie has been on my watchlist! Did you enjoy it?”

“I’ve never done that myself, but it sounds fascinating. What got you interested in it?”
“That reminds me of [related general topic]. Do you think they’re similar?”
“I’m always looking for good places to eat. Do you have any other favorite restaurants in the area?”
“Yellowstone sounds incredible! Are you a fan of national parks in general?”
“That must have been amazing! Do you usually prefer outdoor adventures or city trips?”

对于美国职场来说,寿司其实一直认为我们不必强行找话题,保持自然的态度,适度互动即可。small talk的目的是轻松交流,如果一时没有找到合适的回应,也可以简单评论例如|
“I know what you mean.”
“Absolutely, I agree with you.”
“That sounds interesting!” 等等。

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